Sunday, July 29, 2018


This is year 2 for Visible Learning in our District.  If you haven't heard of this yet; it is HUGE!  There are way more components than I can explain in this blog post, but in a nutshell- It is a huge, ongoing study of hundreds of educational strategies and practices, and how effective they are.  One component of Visible Learning is "The Learning Pit," where students learn to assess where they are and where they are going in their learning with a visual representation.

I have created several different "Learning Pits" to use in the classroom to coordinate with what you teach.  I am going to use the American History Themed Learning Pit, and I plan to take a picture of each of my students holding an American flag.  We will cut the pictures out, and they can actually move these along the learning pit as we take formative assessments.  I will update with a pic of what this looks like as we get school started.

Here is The Learning Pit I am going to use in my 5th Grade Class:

The Learning Pit - Social Studies American US History Theme
Here is one I made for an ELA Teacher in Intermediate:

The Learning Pit - ELA Children's Book Theme for Intermediate/Middle Grades

This is the one Annie is going to use in her 1st Grade Classroom:

The Learning Pit - Primary Picture Book Theme 
And last, but not least, a Math Themed Learning Pit:

The Learning Pit - Math Theme